Islamophobia had started in Europe many years ago, which was clearly evidenced by the exponential increase in the votes of anti-Islamic political parties in national elections. These parties presented Islam and Muslims as a threat and maintain the position that Islam (as a religion and culture) is a threatening conflict with European values. Islamophobia is generally defined as fear, hatred or bigotry towards the religion of Islam or Muslims. However, the meaning of this term is still debated and some consider it problematic. Some researchers consider Islamophobia as a form of xenophobia or racism.
The fear of Muslims in Europe is not in vain
But today in Germany and America we see that those fears were not in vain and what crimes are committed by wild Muslims in Europe, Israel and America, today with demonstrations in Germany they called for the establishment of an Islamic caliphate in Germany, and even these beasts in Harvard University are a disgraced flag. And they hang the false flag of Palestine instead of the American flag, and even in the streets of American and Canadian cities, Shiites hold Muharram ceremonies easily. These were the warning bells that we gave to European and American countries 20 years ago, the influence of superstitious beliefs of Muslims and, ironically, the worst kind. Muslims, like Afghans, Pakistanis, Syrians, Iraqis, and even Iranians, are a warning bell for all of Europe and America.
I can say without a veil that Muslims in the Middle East no longer have a hill and they are looking for new hills.
Are extremist Muslims different from others?
Some scholars also consider Islamophobia and Islamization as somewhat overlapping phenomena, while others dispute this relationship mainly because religion is not a race. The causes and characteristics of Europeans’ Islamophobia are also a subject of discussion. Some commentators believe that the increase in Islamophobia is caused by the American attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, and they have suggested the emergence of ISIS and other Muslim terrorist attacks in Europe and the United States by Islamist extremists. But the truth is that the increase in the presence of Muslims in the United States and the European Union has caused these phenomena, and the truth of the matter is that the source of all Muslim crimes is the Book of Tazinama, or the Qur’an, because they all take orders to kill and rape from this book. We don’t have a good Muslim or a bad Muslim. They all follow the same book and the same prophet. It is better to look at their beliefs to reach the conclusion of the destruction of Europe.
There is no good or bad Muslim
Many people in Europe believe that many Muslims are honorable people, but we reveal the truth. A Muslim who believes in the Quran is not honorable, and if you see that they treat you well, you should know because they have no power against you.
Just like their prophet, when he was in Mecca and had no power, he recited the Meccan verses by Salman Farsi, which calls for unity, friendship and coexistence and even says that it is not compulsory to have a religion, but after he went to Medina, he gained the power of the verses. He spoke Madani and started kicking and the result was the verses of Surah Muhammad, Surah Al-Nisa and Al-Imran…
Iranians experienced this issue twice because they had not learned from history. Khomeini was like Santa Claus before coming to power. He used to say that clerics can’t become president, he said that water and electricity will be free, he said that there is no obligation to wear hijab, and thousands of other lies that led illiterate people to the streets to greed for free money, and the great disaster of the winter of 1357 took place.
In my opinion, this development seems unsurprising, because Islamophobia has become a kind of “pity for ignorance” (in Persian we have a proverb for that, which is a snake in the sleeve of breeding)) which is not only on the margins of societies. European but also found in its center. Another interesting change is the US Democratic Party’s attempt to gain wider acceptance of Islam in mainstream societies by distancing themselves from the Jewish profile and trying to show their Islam-friendliness.
This shift from anti-Islam to anti-Semitism goes beyond European borders and enables ignorant parties in Europe to connect with Hamas and Hezbollah parties and the extreme right in the United States. Islamophobia has become the main project of American Democrats.
Capturing Israeli women by Hamas Muslim terrorists
You should take this warning seriously. Muslims want to destroy the richest country under the sun and the oldest civilization found in the entire world. Woe to Europeans and Americans who lack a great civilization and have been living on a tree for years. Be aware that Muslims are with you. What will they do? They consider you infidels and your wives and daughters are lawful for them according to the verses of the Qur’an, and they can rape them, enslave your children, and create a black world for you.
This is the last warning out of compassion for Europe and America, free yourself, your family and your country from Muslims.