A lethargic and poor leadership content with the current suitation has plagued the worldwide Zoroastrian community. The pathetically unambitious Zoroastrian leadership today purports success but have repeatedly failed during the current critical crisis. The Parsis and Iranis are facing a catastrophic demographic collapse which the Zoroastrian leadership has utterly failed to ameliorate, and there has been little attempt to train Iranian Mobeds as a contingency to the increasing loss of Parsi Mobeds. In Pakistan, the Zoroastrian community has all but disappeared, with under 100 Behdēns renaming.
In Iran, which is under theocratic Islamic rule, millions of Iranians are seeking to revert to Mazdayasna and become Behdēns and to destroy the Islamic Republic, yet they’ve received nearly no support in this. It is becoming abundantly clear that the current leadership needs to be replaced.
We may look at those with the characters, knowledge, and spiritual strength of Ariobarzan, Babak Khorramdin, Forood Fouladvand, and Kaveh-e Ahangar as candidates. These men were outnumbered, faced insurmountable odds, yet remained unfazed and unwavering in their beliefs and continued to fight until death or victory. Behdēns do not surrender.