Islamic Republic of Iran: A Diabolical Genius in the Eyes of Freedom Fighters

People compare the Islamic Regime in Iran to ISIS, Al Qaeda, or the Taliban. That’s a joke! NOTHING compares to the absolute genius evil of the IRI. Everyone can easily see that those other jihadists are pure evil. They look evil, talk evil, and when they kill people, the world calls it a massacre, a terrorist attack, they are outraged.

(At least for a while) Meanwhile the IRI has massacred hundreds of thousands of people!!!!!

No outcry! Why? Because they used a Lynch-System that resembles a kangaroo court to kill them in masses and call it justice system!

Because they don’t touch weapons but fund and train terror Proxies worldwide to do their dirty work! Because they invest billions $(while children starve in Iran) in propaganda to switches the roles of victims and perpetrators.

To make people side with the murderers and not even realize it. You are shocked by the visible violence of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthis, but can you even see the deepest evil the world has ever produced: The Puppet masters! The Islamic jihadist Regime.

Mahmoud Alavi, head of the intelligence of the regime just openly announced the ASSASSINATIONS and KIDNAPPINGS of my father and other foreign nationals on their state TV and not one of our „democratic nations“ said a peep to that admission of terror!!!!

You always ask me what can you do to help? Stand with us! Stand with the freedom fighters, put a stop to executions of dissidents in Iran, they are our army for truth and freedom worldwide. Without them we cannot survive the Jihad war we are headed towards


ghazaleh sharmahd

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