The Iranian who says, “Art is superior to gem.” It does not matter whether the person’s lineage is “gem,” but rather it is the “art” or the intellectual ability and knowledge of the person that makes him worthy of the institution of kingship. Looking at the history of Iran, I see that many kings who were not born kings have become kings only because of their merit and not because of their lineage. The last example of this is Reza Shah Kabir, the father of modern Iran.
Ostad Foland, among these 11 people, due to his long-term cultural work experience and deep research and ability in Arabic and English, takes on the responsibility of enlightening and promoting Iranian culture against the ghetto culture. He first begins his enlightening work in London in a weekly magazine called “London Information.” After some time, on August 13, 1999, he took on the editorship of another publication called “The Path of the Ancestors,” which deals with cultural and political issues in both Persian and English, and most importantly, familiarizing young people with the lies of 1400 Islam.
After some time, the association came to the conclusion that it should take the struggle to a new stage and share what had emerged so far through several years of research in the form of historical and political facts with Iranians inside and outside the country, and use satellite television to send the “Iranian Royal Society’s image” to the country. This media was the second Iranian media outlet to start operating on the “Hotbird” satellite for the first time. From that very first day, Professor Foladvand began to express historical facts and enlighten about Islam.
After 18 days, calls from inside the country indicated that compatriots inside the country were unable to receive the image. The investigation revealed that the British government had managed to block the broadcast of the Society’s programs through illegal pressure, i.e., creating artificial technical disruptions.
Negotiations with other satellite companies were also unsuccessful, and their behavior reflected a general policy of the European Union. In a conversation whose recording is still available, the manager of a Norwegian company explicitly states that the British government had given them a red light to provide services to the Society of the Kingdom.
Given this situation, the Society was looking for a way to connect itself to Iran, and eventually the Society’s television program began to operate on the Internet, and after a few years in 2003, the Society was able to resume broadcasting on satellite.
The television program “Frod Foland” continued until the end of the “Tander 1” and the threshold of “Tander 2”. Among its most watched programs was “Reopening the Tazinameh,” which translated the Quran verse by verse and compared it with the documents of Arab historians. Another of the most watched programs is a series of lectures entitled “What Did History Do to Us?!” which, citing untranslated and undistorted historical books, addresses the claims of Muslim intellectuals about the monarchy system and the false superiority of Islam.
Froud Foladvand played a decisive role in drafting the “Root Doctrine,” which is the constitutional proposal of the Iranian Monarchy Association for the future of Iran. This document is derived from the successful experiences of our Iranian ancestors, and its writing took many years, accompanied by continuous discussions and consultations. This document is organized into 17 main paragraphs, 4 paragraphs in the first appendix, and 5 paragraphs in the second appendix. The Root Doctrine was first published 18 years after the Islamic Revolution.
Professor Foladvand’s last television program was broadcast on satellite on January 17, 2007, corresponding to January 17, 2007, before his secret entry into Iran and the beginning of the second phase of “Thunder,” which is the beginning of the plans to practically overthrow the regime.
With the intensification of the practical struggles of the Kingdom Association and the violent and crushing blows of “Thunder” on the body of the Islamic Republic regime, and the revelation of its vulnerability, the regime, through its agents inside the country and through its affiliated media and its supporting foreign media, has seen a solution in spreading rumors of the arrest of Foladvand, the torture of Foladvand, the disappearance of Foladvand, and recently even the execution of Professor Foladvand. The regime itself has never made such a claim and leaves these claims to its servants abroad because it has been deprived of even the possibility of bluffing.
Iran’s Perseverer, Thunder’s Crusher.